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Adopt-A-Stream Program


Many of Easley’s streams are being negatively impacted by a wide variety of direct and indirect sources of pollution. Dumping of used oil into drains and unpermitted wastewater discharges are two examples of direct pollution sources. An example of an indirect pollution source is stormwater run-off that carries sedimentation (from construction sites) or lawn treatment chemicals (fertilizers and pesticides) to the streams and creeks. Unfortunately, these are not the only sources of water pollution, there are many others.


The sources of pollution to our streams are often hard to detect through standard monthly monitoring. The City of Easley Stormwater Management Section has found that one of the best ways to find these problems is to physically get into the stream channel and walk the stream in search of pollution sources.


The City of Easley developed an Adopt-A-Stream program for the purpose of locating and eliminating sources of pollution in the streams of Easley. The program allows groups to adopt stream segments for a minimum of 3 years. The groups walk their segment at least twice a year, Once in the Spring and once in the Fall, to identify water quality problems. The groups also conduct one stream clean-up per year along their assigned stream segment. This involves the physical removal of trash and debris from the stream channel to a designated location for collection and disposal.


The City can provide trash bags at no cost to the volunteer groups. The city recommends that the clean-up be done to coincide with “Big Sweep” (a nation-wide clean-up of waterways usually held in September). Signs will be erected to recognize the efforts of those groups meeting the minimum criteria (adoption of one mile of stream within the city limits). Detailed records will be kept by each group while performing all

Adopt-A-Stream activities. These records are turned into the city after completing stream walking activities. The city will investigate pollution problems found to ensure they are eliminated and water quality is restored.


The city will not be responsible for injury to persons or property resulting from Adopt-A-Stream activities. Once a segment of the stream has been adopted, it is the responsibility of the adopting group to obtain permission from all adjacent property owners for stream walks and clean-ups.


Flyers describing the Adopt-A-Stream program are available from the Stormwater Management Office by calling (864) 855-7940 to notify property owners of the adopting group’s proposed activities.

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