the City of Easley
South Carolina
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Illicit Detection and Elimination
Illicit discharges and connections cause unfiltered water pollution to travel directly into creeks, streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes within the Easley jurisdiction.
Regulated municipalities must develop a plan with mechanisms designed to locate and eliminate discharges into storm sewers from sources other than stormwater. This plan must include a complete map of all outfalls and identification of locations and sources of any water entering a system.
An illicit discharge detection form is available to the public to fill out and return it to the City of Easley by mail, fax, or email whenever they suspect, smell, or see an illicit discharge.
Click here for the Illicit Discharge Detection Form (PDF)
Illicit Discharges
An illicit discharge is an unlawful act of disposing, dumping, spilling, emitting, or other discharge of any substance other than stormwater into the storm drain system (catch basins, yard inlets, lakes, or streams).
Examples of illicit discharges:
Paint being poured into or near a storm structure
Changing oil or antifreeze over or near a storm structure
Discarding yard waste in or near a storm structure
Illicit Connections
An illicit connection is an unlawful connection which allows the discharge of non-stormwater to the storm drain system or lakes and streams
Examples of possible Illicit Connections:
Floor drains going into the storm drain system
Pipe from washing machine tying into storm drain structure
Sewer service pipe tying into storm structure
What is considered "waters of the state?"
Any surface water within or flowing through the boundaries of the state.
Examples of waters of the state:
Lakes and ponds
Swamps and wetlands
Creeks, streams, and rivers
The City may issue warnings or fines depending on the severity of the violation.