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Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping


Regulated municipalities must have an operation and maintenance program to prevent or reduce pollutant run-off from municipal operations.


Why is pollution prevention and good housekeeping necessary?


The Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for municipal operations MCM is a key element of  the small MS4 stormwater management program. This measure requires the small MS4 operator to examine and subsequently alter their own actions to help ensure a reduction in the amount and type of pollution that:

  • Collects on streets, parking lots, open spaces, and storage and vehicle maintenance areas and is discharged into the local waterways.

  • Results from actions such as environmentally damaging land development and flood management practices or poor maintenance of storm sewer systems.


While this measure is meant primarily to improve or protect receiving water by altering municipal or facility operations, it also can result in a cost savings for the small MS4 operator, since proper and timely maintenance of storm sewer systems can help avoid repair costs from damage caused by age and neglect.


Click here for the Minimum Control Measure (MCM) regarding Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping (PDF)

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