the City of Easley
South Carolina
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Residential Building Permit Application
Note: This is an application only. You must have approval and a permit prior to beginning any construction. All inspections must be called in by the contractor who applies for permit. A 24-hour notice is needed for inspections. Silt fences must be installed around all lots prior to footing inspections. Inspections will be denied if silt fence is not up at job site.
Owner/Builder State License Exemption Request For Homeowners
If you are an Owner/Builder PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. Work with a valuation over $5,000 requires a South Carolina residential home builder’s license. A licensed contractor has a one year warranty on everything and a 13-year warranty on the structure. Owner Builders Must Comply with this agreement.
Homeowner’s Disclosure Statement
State law requires residential construction to be done by licensed residential builders and specialty contractors. You have applied for a permit under an exemption to that state law. The exemption allows you, as the owner of your property, to act as your owner builder even though you do not have a license.
Owner Builder Subcontractor Listing
State law requires you to hire a licensed person as your residential builder or specialty contractor. It is your responsibility to make sure that people employed by you have a licenses required by state, city and county. This information is required by the Planning & Development Office prior to the Certificate of Occupancy being issued.
Resident contractors must renew their license each year by April 30th and pay on total gross income for all work done. Non-resident contractors must pay per job and are able to work on each licensed job until complete without regard to the normal licensing period. For more information on licensing contact the City of Easley Finance Department.
Residential Subdivision Checklist
The following is a partial list of forms that new developers should complete when requesting a site plan from the City of Easley. Please refer to this document for a complete checklist.
Alarm System Application and fees.
This application and all applicable fees should be delivered to the City of Easley Police Department with a separate check.
Stormwater Notes and Checklist
Encroachment Permit
Encroachments on City roads should contact David Lappin
Office: (864) 855-7916 X – 7302
City of Easley Business License. Business License are received from the Finance Department.
For your review in planning, please refer to
Land Development book which can be purchased from the Planning & Development Department for $25.00
Download complete PDF version of Residential Permitting Process
Permit Process:
It is very important that a permit be obtained from the Planning & Development office for any work being done in the City of Easley. Obtaining a permit is not the responsibility of the homeowner, but it is the responsibility of the contractor. The purpose for this is to hold the contractor responsible for his/her work and ensure that work is checked by the City inspection personnel.
Before any contractor can purchase a permit, he shall be licensed by the state and the City of Easley (Business License). As a homeowner, check that your contractor meets all state and city requirements. This will help you be assured of getting the best job possible in accordance with the codes.
Who Needs a Permit?
Any person, firm or corporation shall not erect, construct, enlarge, alter, prepare, move, convert, or demolish any building or structure or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a permit from the Planning & Development Office.
What are the necessary requirements to do work in the City of Easley?
I. Contractor
A City business license
Registration as a specialty contractor with the Residential Home Builders Commission if the job exceeds $200.00.
A South Carolina State license for:
Residential work over $5,000 (Residential Home Builder)ii.
Commercial work over $5,000 (General Contractor)
II. Electrical, Plumbing, Gas and Mechanical Contractors:
A City business license
At least a South Carolina Journeyman’s of Master card
Any commercial job that exceeds $5,000 requires a SC Mechanical Contractor’s license.
III. A homeowner may do their own work on their own domicile.
You must sign an Owner Builder Agreement and supply a list of any subcontractors if you are building a new house. It is your responsibility to ensure that your subcontractor’s have a state license and a city business license.
IV. Any individual doing work on someone else’s property is considered a contractor and is required to comply with I & II above.
The Planning & Development Office strongly recommends that you, as a homeowner, do not obtain the permit for a contractor. If you do, you will assume all responsibility and the contractor may not be licensed or qualified to do the work.
City building inspectors make inspections during construction; the person signing the permit is responsible for calling in all inspection requests. When the completed structure meets all applicable codes, the contractor can request a final inspection and upon passing that inspection, a Certificate of Occupancy issued. A structure may not be occupied prior to the Certificate of Occupancy being issued. The Planning and Development Office reserves the right to charge a re-inspection fee for any inspections that are not ready when scheduled.
Other Helpful Information:
The Planning and Development Office can assist you in determining if the intended use of the structure is permitted within the appropriate zoning classification. Click here to view the zoning ordinance.
The size and intended use of the proposed structure will determine if extensive drawings will be required. Before new subdivision developments and/or new commercial construction can be permitted, site plan package must be approved.
Allow up to 30 days for a review of the complete set of plans that have been submitted to the Planning & Development Department.
The permit fee is based on the square footage of the structure and/or contract price.
It is important that the contractor understand that it is his responsibility to call and request inspections at least 24 hours prior to the inspection. Subcontractors or owners should not call in the inspections if there is a contractor on the job.
Construction Board of Appeals is available for contractors or the public to provide an opportunity to appeal any building code interpretation made by the inspection department.
Permit applications and information may be downloaded.
Residential roofing, vinyl siding and window replacements are services that do not require a building permit. However, contractors should check with Finance/Business License regarding city business licenses.
Fence installation does not require a permit. However, contractors should check with Finance/Business License regarding city business licenses. Call the Planning and Development Department regarding zoning restrictions on height and placement.