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  • ​Q: What is my property zoned?

    • A: You can find the zoning of your property on the City of Easley Zoning Map

  • Q: What uses are allowed in my zoning district? What are setbacks for my property?

    • A: You can access zoning district uses, setbacks, and other information below. You need to browse to a specific section of the ordinance

  • Q: When do I need a building permit?

    • ​A: Any structure 200 square feet or greater, or any structure regardless of size that will require plumbing and/or electricity needs a permit. Agricultural pole barns require a permit as well as an affidavit affirming the use of the building

  • Q: Can I build my own house?

  • Q: Do I need a permit to remodel an existing house?

    • ​A: If the remodeling and/or addition changes the structural condition of the home in any manner or includes electrical, plumbing, or mechanical changes of any kind, a permit is required

  • Q: Does my landscaping have to be complete before my house can be finaled?

    • ​A: No, but it must be complete within 30 days of the final

  • Q: May I move my furniture and personal belongings into the house before I receive a Certificate of Occupancy?

    • ​A: No, a house should not be occupied until after the Certificate of Occupancy is issued.

  • Q: Do I need a permit for a purchased pre-fab garage/storage building that is delivered to my house and would be utilized for personal use and which contains no electrical or plumbing?

    • A: ​No, but the building must be 10' off the back and side property lines and cannot exceed 800 square feet. There cannot be more than one detached building per lot.​​​

  • Q: How big may I build my detached structure?

    • A: A detached structure cannot exceed 800 square feet

  • ​Q: What kind of inspections are required?

    • A: You may obtain the inspections required by accessing the document below

  • Q: I am upgrading from a 60-amp service to a 100 or 200 amp service; do I need a permit?

    • A: Yes, the electrician doing this changeover should obrain a business license and permit. Since  60-amp service is no longer accepted, we appreciate your safety-conscience decision to upgrade your power

  • Q: Do I need a permit to put a fence?

    • A: No, unlcess the fence is 6' or higher

  • Q: Do I need a swimming pool permit?

    • All above ground and in ground pools about 36" must be permitted. A 4 foot high fence or screen enclosure with a self-latching, self-closing lock must surround the pool at the final inspection

  • Q: May I move a mobile home on to my property?

    • A: You may move a mobile home into an established Mobile Home Park and/or you may replace a mobile home in the GR1 District under certain conditions. For more details access the document below.

  • Q: I have just moved into a mobile home in a mobile home park, but I don't have power. When will it be turned on?

    • A: Combined Utilities cannot turn your power on until the inspector has released power. To obtain this release, a successful inspection must be made of your mobile home. Please see the document below to find out more about this inspection.

  • Q: May I store my car on my property until I can afford license plates and insurance?

    • A: Yes, but only if you completely cover the same with a factory-made care cover. 

  • ​Q: May I place small signs on the road side to advertise my business?

    • A: Signs must not be placed in the road right of way. You can access the entire Sign Ordinance in the Zoning Ordinance

  • Q: What type of permanent sign can I install for my business?

    • A: The type and size of allowed signs are determined by Article IV of the Zoning Ordinance

  • Q: How do I obtain a sign permit?

    • A: You may obtain the sign permit from our website under the Planning and Development Department or you may call our office at 855-7908 and request that one be faxed or mailed to you. You may also email Paula Rowland at with your request.

  • Q: I am renting a suite from an already established shopping center; what must I do to obatin my own free-standing sign?

    • A: Only one free-standing sign is allowed per developed lot. You should ask the landlord if there is enough available signage to add your sign to the existing free standing sign; then submit an application.

  • Q: I am starting a new business in the City, what do I need to do? / I am relocating my business to another place in the City, what do I need to do?

    • A: You must apply for a business license with the Business License Department of City hall. However, before the license is issued, you will have to apply and pass a business license inspection. Please see visit the link below for more information.

  • Q: I am clearing enough land to build a small storage shed. Do I have to put up silt fencing?

    • Yes, silt fencing is require whenever land is disturbed.

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Easley City Hall

205 North First Street

Easley, SC 29640

P. 864-855-7900

© 2014 The City of Easley

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